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Feel your relationship chemistry together again

After the honeymoon season of a relationship, partners doubt their love. Join thousands of others who have rekindled their love together through the lens of the Enneagram.

Have you been frustrated by a partnership where:


Communication is poor?


You can’t get actual traction on goals set?

You no longer find one another’s differences endearing or cute?


Marriage counseling has only made things worse?


You’ve lost the ability to desire to sexually attract one another?


You’ve stopped having fun together or in family or group settings?

I know how frustrating it is to work with relationship helpers who don’t help you get to the bottom of your issues with clear, timely, and accurate insights. In my work across twenty years of helping couples, and in my products and best-selling book, “The Enneagram in Marriage: Your Guide to Thriving in Your Unique Pairing”, I combine my two decades of expertise in psychological assessment with marriage and family counseling to help you to thrive together like never before!

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